

Reimagining the financial company's visual language for a consistent, end-to-end borrower journey experience for both web and mobile.

Reimagining the financial company's visual language for a consistent, end-to-end borrower journey experience for both web and mobile.

The company

The company

Reach deliver innovative financial products using modern technology and tools to enable our customers to take control of their debt and de-mystify their personal finances. Reach platform empowers customers to turn their financial goals into a reality.

My role

My role

Over the course of a year, I reimagined and redefined the Reach brand along with the end-to-end application flow to improve user experience, boost conversion rates, and increase customer satisfaction.

My goal

My goal

The focus was on aligning the brand with industry standards to create a consistent and recognizable visual experience and build trust with customers.

By identifying customer pain points in an existing product and conducting a competitive market analysis, I implemented a visual design system that was efficient, flexible, and has the ability to scale across an ever-growing range of products.

My responsibilities

My responsibilities




Web Design

Visual Design

Product Design

Interaction & UI/UX Design


Design Systems



Anton Aheichanka, Lead Designer
Ben Berry, Creative Director
Melissa Castro, Product Marketing Manager

Marta Savka, Product Designer

Taffy Steele, Product Manager
Jon Wheeler, Front-End Lead

Brand book

Brand book

We kept and expand on purple since it was recognizable and innovative to the company mission and values. We aimed for an organic color palette while introducing serif typeface and lifestyle photography to add personality and bring a human touch to finance.



The emphasis has been placed on the content itself, with help of animation we ensure that the user's attention is drawn to the information we present and help tell the story.

Through new type system, lifestyle photography and generous white space, we intended to evoke a calm and positive experience in customers as they explore our offerings.

Web app

Web app

Maintaining the same core values, we have developed a fully transparent, user-friendly, and engaging user experience. We eliminated cognitive load by simplifying the application experience, improving accessibility, rethinking and reinventing UX designs.

Design system

Design system

Through extensive research and testing, we have developed a simple yet robust design framework, one of the main benefits of which is the ease and flexibility to scale to an ever-growing range of products.

While we continue to monitor the overall performance over the coming months, the initial feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Within a month of launch, the length of time a user remained in the app flow decreased by 28% and completion rate increased by 19%.

© Anton Aheichanka 2024

© Anton Aheichanka 2024